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Which Dog Breeds Like Kids the Best? Find Out Here

Considering getting a dog for your kid? Are they constantly hinting and trying to persuade you to add a new addition to the family, of the four-legged, furry, and sometimes slobbery variety?

children hugging a puppy

It's only fair to consider these requests and examine all angles. One of the things I hear from prospective dog owners is that their kid is going to be happy with any dog they get, but they want the best for their child.

Questions like "What dogs like kids the most?" or "What dog would you recommend for my X-year-old?" often arise. Hopefully, I can help answer those and some other common queries here for anyone asking, and assist prospective dog owners in considering aspects they haven't before.

Which Dog Breed is Most Child Friendly?

When it comes to kid-friendly dogs, several breeds stand out for their remarkable qualities. The Golden Retriever, known for its friendly and gentle nature, is a popular choice. With their patient demeanor and love for playtime, they make wonderful companions for children.

Another fantastic option is the Labrador Retriever, which combines intelligence, loyalty, and a playful spirit. Their adaptability and natural affinity for kids make them an excellent choice for families.

The Bernedoodle, a crossbreed between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle, has gained popularity for its gentle and friendly temperament. These lovable canines have an innate ability to connect with children, making them a top pick for families seeking a child-friendly dog.

Lastly, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, renowned for its affectionate nature, makes a loving and gentle companion for kids. These are just a few examples of the many dog breeds that truly embrace the joys of being around children.

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Here’s Why Bernedoodles Are My Standout Pick for Kids

When it comes to finding a child-friendly dog breed, the Bernedoodle steals the show. This charming canine, a cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle, presents an irresistible combination of intelligence, affection, and an adorable curly coat. Bernedoodles are our favorite choice for a family and a "dog for children".

These guys are some of the most unintentionally goofy and fun-loving dogs you'll ever meet.

A Bernedoodle fits like a missing puzzle piece into most families, content with all sorts of lifestyles.

They're happy to laze about or enjoy a hard day of play in the sun. As long as a Bernedoodle is around their favorite people, they are content. And children in need of companionship cannot find a more constant friend than in a Bernedoodle.

Are Smaller Dogs Better With Kids?

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When it comes to choosing a dog for a family with children, the common assumption is that smaller breeds are the ideal choice. However, contrary to what many may think, we firmly believe that smaller dogs are not always the best fit for children.

While they may be adorable and compact, their fragility can make them more neurotic and sensitive to the constant attention and rough play that some children naturally engage in.

Unlike their larger counterparts, smaller breeds can be more delicate, both physically and emotionally. Children, especially younger ones, might unintentionally play too roughly or handle them in a way that could potentially cause harm.

This awareness of their vulnerability can make smaller dogs more neurotic and anxious, as they constantly seek protection from unpredictable actions that may be too overwhelming for them.

Children, especially those with high energy levels, often engage in a rough and tumble lifestyle that includes running, jumping, and playfully wrestling. While these activities are part of a child's healthy development, they can be overwhelming for smaller dogs. Their petite size makes it challenging for them to keep up with the energy levels and physical demands of an active child.

Larger dogs, on the other hand, are generally more robust and better equipped to handle energetic play, withstand accidental bumps and knocks, creating a safer environment for both the child and the dog.

Another aspect to consider is the potential mismatched expectations between children and smaller dogs. Children may expect a small dog to be like a living toy or stuffed animal, wanting to carry them around, dress them up, and play with them as if they were inanimate objects.

This constant attention and handling can become overwhelming for smaller dogs, leading to stress, anxiety, and even behavioral issues. Conversely, larger dogs tend to be more tolerant of such interactions and can handle the occasional dressing up or being used as a playmate without feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

Ultimately, the goal of bringing a dog into a family with children is to create a harmonious and mutually beneficial bond. While small dogs can certainly form loving relationships with children in the right circumstances, it is essential to recognize the potential challenges they may face due to their fragility and sensitivity.

By considering the needs and temperaments of both the child and the dog, a larger breed might be better suited to handle the energetic and sometimes rambunctious lifestyle of a child, providing a more stable and secure relationship.

Are Kids Happier When They Have a Dog?

The bond between children and dogs is a timeless source of joy and companionship. Have you ever wondered if kids are truly happier with the presence of a furry friend by their side?

One of the most apparent benefits of having a dog is the companionship it brings to a child's life. Dogs provide unwavering loyalty, a listening ear, and endless love, serving as a constant source of comfort and support. Children often develop deep emotional connections with their furry friends, finding solace in their presence during challenging times.

The companionship and unwavering love of dogs can have a profound impact on a child's happiness and well-being. The special bond formed between kids and dogs can enhance emotional development, promote physical activity, and foster a sense of responsibility.

2 puppies sitting on brick steps

A Kid's Best Furry Friend Forever

The bond between children and dogs is a beautiful and transformative relationship that can positively impact a child's well-being and overall happiness. As we explore the topics of perfect furry companions for kids, the suitability of smaller dogs, and the influence dogs have on children's happiness, we uncover valuable insights.

While certain breeds like Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Beagles, and the affectionate Bernedoodles exhibit qualities that make them great companions for children, it is crucial to consider the individual temperament and needs of both the child and the dog.

Contrary to popular belief, smaller dogs may not always be the best fit for children due to their fragility and potential sensitivity. Larger breeds, with their robust nature and endurance, can better withstand the energetic and sometimes boisterous lifestyle of children.

Furthermore, the positive impact of dogs on children's well-being extends beyond companionship. Dogs enhance emotional development, teach responsibility, promote physical activity, and foster empathy and compassion.

These benefits are best realized when parents provide guidance and ensure responsible pet ownership, safeguarding the happiness and well-being of both the child and the dog.

In the end, the relationship between children and dogs is a remarkable journey filled with unconditional love, shared adventures, and immeasurable happiness. It is a testament to the incredible bond between humans and animals, reminding us of the extraordinary capacity for connection and the transformative power of a wagging tail and a wet nose.

Jenna and the JLDD Team

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