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Best Puppies for Kids? Here Are 10 Options

Welcoming a furry friend into your family is a joyous occasion, especially when taking in one of the best puppies for kids.

This comprehensive guide takes you on a journey through the characteristics, pros, and cons of popular family breeds. From playful Goldendoodles to steadfast Bulldogs, each breed brings its unique traits to the table. 

brown and white doodle puppies

Let’s explore the qualities that make these puppies exceptional companions for children, creating memories and fostering lasting bonds.

Characteristics of a Kid-Friendly Puppy

When embarking on the journey of choosing a puppy to join a family with children, thoughtful consideration of specific characteristics becomes paramount to foster a seamless integration and a lasting bond. 


The temperament of a puppy is a crucial factor, especially when children are involved. Opting for a naturally friendly and gentle disposition ensures that the puppy will create a safe and enjoyable environment for kids. This temperament is key to building trust and forming a positive relationship.

Playful and Energetic 

Children often have boundless energy, and selecting a puppy that is naturally playful and energetic aligns with the dynamic nature of kids. A puppy with this characteristic not only keeps up with the lively activities but also contributes to a bond founded on shared play and mutual enjoyment.


The size of the puppy is a crucial consideration for families with children. Choosing a puppy from medium to large-sized breeds ensures a robust and sturdy playmate. These breeds typically possess the physical resilience needed for boisterous play, providing both kids and parents with a sense of security.


The ease of training is an essential factor for a smooth integration of the puppy into the family dynamic. Opting for breeds known for their trainability simplifies the process of instilling good behavior and obedience. This not only facilitates a positive relationship but also allows for a more enjoyable experience for both kids and adults.

Shedding and Grooming Considerations

Families with children often have busy schedules, making it beneficial to choose breeds with minimal shedding and grooming needs. This ensures that the maintenance of the puppy's coat remains manageable, allowing for more quality time dedicated to bonding and play rather than extensive grooming sessions.

Taking these characteristics into account lays the foundation for a joyful and enduring companionship between kids and their four-legged friends, creating memories that last a lifetime.

Pros and Cons of the Best Breeds for Kids

Let’s review a few of the best pooches for you and your children.  (As much as we love them, we won’t make this list only about Doodle dogs, we promise!) 

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Goldendoodles captivate with their friendly and affectionate demeanor, establishing strong bonds within the family unit. Their moderate size makes them adaptable to various living spaces, offering the flexibility to families with diverse lifestyles. Notably, Goldendoodles exhibit good trainability, responding well to commands and contributing to a well-behaved household.


Yet, potential shedding, dependent on coat type, prompts considerations for families with allergies. Regular grooming sessions become a necessity to maintain coat health and prevent matting, adding a grooming commitment to the ownership responsibilities.



Beagles are renowned for their playful and friendly nature, making them excellent companions for families. Their small to medium size suits various living spaces, and they offer good companionship to children. Their amiable disposition creates a joyful environment within the family.


However, Beagles may display stubbornness during training, requiring patience and consistency. Additionally, a moderate shedding level is characteristic, necessitating regular grooming to manage their coat and prevent matting.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are known for their affectionate and gentle demeanor, making them ideal for families. Their small size is suitable for various living arrangements, and they adapt well to children. They bring adaptability and a warm presence to households.


Despite their many virtues, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels may require regular grooming to maintain their silky coats. Potential health issues, particularly heart-related conditions, are considerations for families, calling for regular veterinary check-ups.



Labradoodles are cherished for their friendly and gentle temperament, making them superb companions for families with children. Their medium to large size ensures a sturdy playmate for kids, fostering a sense of security. Beyond their amiable nature, Labradoodles are highly trainable, adapting seamlessly to various family routines and activities.


However, Labradoodles may demand regular grooming sessions due to their curly or wavy coats, a factor to consider for families with time constraints. Additionally, their high energy levels could pose a challenge for those seeking a more relaxed pet experience, requiring an active engagement from the family.



Bulldogs charm with their calm and good-natured temperament, offering a medium-sized pet with a low to moderate energy level. They are well-suited for families seeking a more relaxed pet experience and exhibit a protective nature toward children.


Yet, Bulldogs may be prone to certain health issues, and some may require special care due to their distinctive wrinkled appearance. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor their well-being.

Shih Tzu


Shih tzus win hearts with their affectionate and friendly nature, making them excellent family pets. Their small size is well-suited for families, and they are known for their low shedding, contributing to a cleaner living environment.


However, grooming needs are significant for Shih Tzus due to their long, flowing coats. Families should be prepared for moderate training challenges, requiring consistency and positive reinforcement during the training process.



Poodles stand out for their intelligence and trainability, making them versatile family companions. Their hypoallergenic coat is advantageous for families with allergies, and Poodles come in various sizes, offering options to suit different preferences.


Nevertheless, Poodles require regular grooming to maintain their coat's health and prevent matting. Energy levels may vary among individuals, necessitating consideration of the specific size and temperament desired.



Boxers bring playfulness and energy to families, making them excellent with children. Their protective nature adds an extra layer of security, creating a loyal and loving bond within the household.


On the flip side, Boxers may undergo moderate shedding, requiring regular grooming to manage their short coat. Training may require patience due to their spirited and energetic nature.

Cocker Spaniel


Cocker Spaniels are recognized for their gentle and affectionate disposition, making them well-suited for families with children. Their moderate size and good compatibility with kids contribute to a harmonious family environment.


Yet, regular grooming is necessary to maintain their luxurious coat, and there is a potential for ear infections due to their floppy ears. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial to monitor their overall health and well-being.



Bernedoodles shine with their gentle and kid-friendly nature, providing a comforting and solid presence with their medium to large size. Their intelligence and trainability make them versatile, easily integrating into family routines and participating in daily activities. Families can expect a loyal and adaptable companion in a Bernedoodle.


Despite their many virtues, Bernedoodles may come with grooming requirements, particularly for those with longer coats, necessitating regular maintenance. Families should also be prepared for varied energy levels among individual Bernedoodles, accommodating either an energetic or laid-back pet based on individual temperament.

Considerations Before Bringing Home a Puppy

Before choosing a puppy, it's crucial to evaluate your family's lifestyle and activity level. Some breeds thrive in active households, enjoying frequent outdoor activities, while others may prefer a more relaxed environment. Understanding the energy needs of a puppy and matching them to your family routine ensures a harmonious fit, promoting both physical and mental well-being.

take our puppy breed match quiz

Consider any allergies within the family when selecting a puppy. Some breeds are known for minimal shedding and hypoallergenic qualities, making them suitable for families with sensitivities. Assessing shedding preferences ensures that the puppy's coat maintenance aligns with the comfort and convenience of everyone in the household.

Bringing a puppy into your home requires a significant time commitment for training and care. Puppies need consistent training, socialization, and daily routines. Evaluating your family's ability to dedicate time to these crucial aspects ensures a smooth transition for the puppy and a positive experience for the entire family.

Tips for Introducing a Puppy to Kids

During the initial interactions between kids and the puppy, supervision is key. Encouraging gentle and calm behavior, and teaching children how to approach the puppy respectfully, establishes a foundation of trust. Allowing the puppy to initiate interactions ensures trust and a smooth and pleasurable transition for all parties.

Introducing a puppy is an excellent opportunity to teach kids responsibility. Assigning age-appropriate tasks, such as feeding, grooming, and playtime supervision, instills empathy and a sense of companionship in children. These responsibilities contribute to the well-being of the puppy and foster a sense of accountability in kids.

Puppies thrive on routine, and establishing consistent schedules for feeding, play, and potty breaks is essential. Involving kids in setting and maintaining these routines not only aids in the puppy's training but also creates predictability and security for the puppy. Consistent routines contribute to a positive environment and a well-adjusted puppy.

Choosing the right puppy for your family is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. By understanding the temperament, size, and grooming needs of various breeds, you pave the way for a harmonious companionship. 

As you embark on this exciting journey, may the insights provided help you find the perfect four-legged addition to your family—one that brings joy, laughter, and a lifetime of cherished moments. But… while you’re here, why not let us help? Have a question? Just ask. Ready to start talking pups? Let us know!

Jenna and the JLDD Team

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